Friday, 17 August 2007

Grumpy old woman demands new bum

Hi Friday peops

Short one today – you’ll be pleased to know -well, by my standards… nuff said…cos I reckon something is in the air…. lots of little negative fairies flying around – dumping their misery dust on my head - and it’s time to fight back!

Went to register at a new gym – don't bother with 'Fitness First' folks....and the nice little boy with the rather shocking hair do – and cowboy boots on – tromping round the gym area (what happened to plimsole rules?) tried to barter me up for the best rate (what’s that all about!?) …so I kindly pointed out that we were in Stirchley – not an African market trying to barter the price of handbags – this is my bum bags we are talking about – and sod the fact that I’ll get my body fat measured once a month for an extra sixty quid – who wants to pay that much to be depressed once a month!!?? The shittily photocopied form that I had to fill out so that he could assess my bodily needs had a tick choice of why I was there – one of them was “New mum” (what’s that all about - is it asking if I want one??!!!!!) so I crossed the first ‘M’ out and put a ‘B’ there – which confused the little sod ;-)

Work – don’t talk to me about work – I shadowed a ‘Young Adults’ clinic this week where we invite those in transition from childhood to reality to support and offer grown up advice, but I guess it’s been a million years since I was there myself and now I’m just a grumpy middle aged duffer – I admire our wonderful therapists – how they didn’t launch themselves at them I’ll never know – I was on the edge of my seat ready - guess it’s just me this week with my negative fairies - it was the boys (what a surprise) who knew what they wanted – and it wasn’t a reminder about what real life is all about – doh! Thankfully the girlies were more motivated – good for you girlies – didn’t let me down – in fact were rather inspirational ;-)….. then today some plonker booked me to do a training session at 3.30 – knowing I finish at 3 o’clock on Friday – my Fridays are sacrosanct – so after a classic teenage tantrum – just to show I learned something from the clinic…. I rallied and though I could see the troops fading I bravely soldiered on – my personal motto being that no-one pees me off on a Friday…

And on that grumpily ‘I need a large glass of wine’ Friday moment – can I just say that I hope your week has been better than mine…. I know Eva’s wasn’t – she got frog marched to a police station by a mad man – who had offered to change her flat tyre but then decided that her spare tyre was illegal, (I’m presuming Eva meant wheels and not her midriff?) tho Eva got to meet some “cute policemen”…..and I thought I’d had a bad week!!…. Also Don is in Peru – finding himself - so probably not having the best of holidays – and Mike at work met a nice RAC man today who gave him a new windscreen since his disappeared somewhere on the way to work….. tho there has been some nice news – Alex passed all her A levels and is in the Music college of her choice – and my neighbours are all enthusiastic members of the Space Station club – yes – in Stirchley we are not embarrassed about being caught out late at night in our front and back gardens staring skywards for a glimpse of the International Space Station ;-)

So – keep smiling – or grimacing – as long as it’s convincing…. :-)

See you tomorrow Alex for part 1 of OzFotofest400 ;-)

Kimmie x

Can’t wait till I retire – Tony sent this a while back – and with Mike’s little problem today – and my whole attitude this week, I feel it would do me good to try this SOON…

Working people frequently ask retired people what we do to make our days interesting.

The other day my friend Marilyn and I went into town and visited a shop.
We were only in there for about 5 minutes, and when we came out, there was a traffic warden writing out a parking ticket.
We went up to him and said, "Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?"
He ignored us and continued writing the ticket.
So I called him a turd.
He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tyres.
Marilyn then called him a S--- head.
He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes.
The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote.
To be perfectly honest, we didn't really care.
You see, we came into town by bus, but we try to have a little fun each day now that we're retired.
It's important at our age

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