Friday, 10 August 2007

Ample bum bags cause crop circle shuttle shock

Hello Friday peops

The Badby bimble with Gary last weekend was a dream – glorious sunshine - see photo - and with using my ample bum to rest my ample bum bag on managed to stay and (if I say so myself) look rather cool – and as you can see created my very own crop circle - rather better weather than the bimble in Herefordshire – remember TGIF 200707? Martin has sent me another photo which I will add to that Blog posting – I couldn’t look any wetter!

This week has been magical and I've been rather star struck – magical cos me and Sue went to see Harry Potter - very good - those twins eh.! and then with Nessa’s Morris’ help (remember the Morris dancing TGIF?) last night watched the International Space Station fly over Birmingham with the naked eye!! I missed the Shuttle which was following a minute later but mom and dad didn’t so were well chuffed - am going to go out again tonight and cop a look. I wonder if they took any photos of the Badby crop circles I created with my ample bum bags from the shuttle ;-)

I’ve texted a load of you but in case I’ve missed anyone – get out there ten minutes earlier to get adjusted…. cos the Shuttle will be flying across at 2117 from WSW towards the East and again at 2252 from West to SSE with the International Space Station a minute behind – we can all wave at the same time – what a bonding TGIF moment that will be ;-)

For you Kiwis – and Owen in Hertfordshire…. and Ed in London you need to go to the Heavens Above website’ and register and pop your postcode in and you get a list of times it flies over your house – I guess with you Owen they will probably also tip their fins :-D 2015 it was exciting is this??

I’ve seen a brilliaaaaaant Youtube Shuttle special, and spent ages watching the NASA webcam
at NASA - NASA TV Landing Page– highly recommended – did you know they see the sun rise 16 times a day!!!! How fab is that?!

It has taken my mind off a somewhat typical Friday at work – y’know the sort of risky stuff which always happens on a Friday came rolling in today – I'll tell you but I may have to shoot some of you - but there is a top secret emergency planning exercise this weekend in Brum – fake man flu outbreak I think......anyway – someone in their wisdom sent a global e-mail announcing the secret exercise.....we already know how many victims there will be – and have even advertised for volunteers already to help out……I do hope when a real emergency breaks out we get time to rearrange our weekends :-/………………..then…….remember that scam e-mail I told a lot of you about recently with a worm virus thingie attached to it - coming from fake greeting cards sites – well again a wise manager sent another global e-mail to all staff – with a sample of what it looked like……………and yes – you’ve guessed it – they took the sample from a real scam e-mail complete with virus-laden link :-O

Quiet weekend ahead – need it after all the excitement this week - staying home - going to feed the old uns – they are wasting away – probably do something with a Space theme – it’ll be ‘out of this world’ and milky bar stuff!

Have a great weekend – and happy star gazing :-)
Kimmie x

Jupiter came down to Earth one day and decided to help these two criminals to rob a bank. Anyway, to cut a long story short, they got caught and the three of them found themselves in court. The judge sentenced the two earthlings to fifteen years, and Jupiter was a bit shocked when he was sentenced to ten years."But your honour" said Jupiter, "I didn't even take part in the robbery!""Yes" said the judge. "But you helped them ... Planet!".

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