Friday, 5 December 2008

TGIF....The sound of distant wedding bells........and the results of my first ultrasound scan :-O


Well another fun packed month has flown by – bit of news…..and 20 days to go till Santa comes! My once a year treat ;-)
I have been snowed under (metaphorically speaking – tho’ we have had our first smattering here in the middle) with cakes. I made an Aston Martin for someone’s 30th and made one of the most intricate cakes ever – Yes I’ve just finished a ‘Shrek and Princess Fiona’ wedding cake – apparently the groom Scott looks like Shrek?! You’ve got to hand it to her – what a brave bride you are Zoe :-)

So the joyous sound of wedding bells….
So… to my bit of news….last Friday I went off to the Hospital to have my first scan. Had an ‘Eddie Stobart’ moment (you’d have loved it Heather….) when I arrived early and met the lorry driver delivering the helium in hooooooge containers which help the MRI scanner function….. apparently…… because of its low boiling point (approximately -452°F or -269°C), liquid helium is used to cool magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnets blah blah……and then how good Hopwood services are for lorry overnighters in comparison to Hilton Lorry park………………. anyway, to cut a long story short, it is confirmed… it’s a neuroma :-/…. Now waiting to find out what’s next….

I’m feeling quite unfit – as I haven’t been out hillwalking since I last e-chatted – so guiltily I ventured up the gym this week and had a close encounter of the fart kind. Pasquale made a bee line for me ticking me off because I hadn’t been for ages – and dragged me off to the ‘power plate’ – which for the uninitiated is like a giant vibrating console with handles and stuff – allegedly 15 minutes on it is the equivalent of a full body workout!?

Anyway, he shows me various challenging positions which I have to copy – not a pretty picture with my arse squeezed into my pink lycra leggings – and hold for 30 second spurts of vibrations – I’m getting towards the end of the ‘workout’ and he shows me some stretches – one which requires me to sit on the plate with my feet in the air tucked round the handles, with my arse in the air in the ‘crunch’ position…… yes you’ve guessed it – Pasquale presses the button and the bloody power plate rumbles to life and rattles a fart out from the very depths of my colon – I could feel it hurtling towards the outside world – and I’m shouting at Pasquale “I CAN’T HOLD IT…. I CAN’T HOLD IT….” And he’s shouting back at me in his Italian way…”EEEZ ONLY FEEFTEEN SECONDS LEFT MAKE MORE EFFFFAAAART………yes Pasquale I nearly did……

And on that note…………..have a good un – will be in touch before Crimbo – hope all is well with you
Kimmie x

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