Friday, 9 May 2008

The future's bright but it ain't bloody ORANGE!

Yo Friday peops

This fortnight lark is getting to be a habit – this week’s excuse is that I was down in Devon & Doooorset last week – and they don’t have electricity y’know…..

Yes - my first trip to Dooooorset – mom and I often have to relive dad’s two years National Service in Lulworth Cove, so next time he revs up with …. “When I was In Lulworth Cove….” I can join in. It was fab driving along with tanks rolling over the exercise grounds adjacent to the road - and seeing road signs saying “Beware of sudden loud gunfire….” Brilliant :-)

Terri (one of the ‘terrible trio’ in New Zealand ) put me up for a couple of nights – I’ll get around to putting a pic of Terri and Max on the blog – he licked me to death – probably a quaint Dorset custom – tho Terri didn’t do that.

I then went on to Devon for a few days with SPICE and the Walkwise boys to Bideford – sharing with a new ‘roomie’– Fiona – who was a bit bemused by my decadent approach to these weekends – she thought I was kidding when I said I took the fridge down – needless to say we enjoyed some chilled wine and nibbles in our room every night… warning though – do not buy Whitworth’s Wasabi beans unless you want to really wreak revenge on someone who has severely peed you off…… tho they were ‘moreish’ in a masochistic sort of way….…Also had some early nights supping wine in our jammies – and watching telly – yup – I guess I am officially getting old – but there was something relaxing about watching ‘The Full Monty’ with chilled wine in our beds! Sadly the early nights didn’t do anything for my face – as you’ll see when I put the pics on the blog over the weekend – this gravity lark is a pain – might have to start heading up North to see if there is more lift? Got my first bit of ramblers tan though – topping up my New Zealand brown bits :-)

Now for the orange disasters – I get back on Sunday to a message on my answermachine from Goldfish – I’ve been cloned again! Third time now…. Toe rags downloading music and bless the bloody orange fish has spent over a grand again so beware folks – it’s t’internet they are using now chip n’ pin have moved the fraud, so I’m waiting for a letter from the fraud squad again…

…..and then I received my mobile bill from Orange this week and discovered that they have changed my contract from 500 free texts to 75 without telling me so I have clocked up a fair few extra pennies…. and of course the helpful man (not!) at the end of the line after I’d pressed a load of numbers and waited forever hearing how much Orange are ‘committed to customer care’ didn’t give a flying duck – their training in ‘pig ignorance’ is second to none! He said the 500 texts package was a ‘goodwill’ gesture and never part of the contract? Would like to be a fly on the wall when they receive my original contract copy – God it’s good being anal sometimes. Previously they forced me to have insurance at an extra fiver a month after their phone they supplied was duff, then a year later a third party supplier (tho they didn’t tell me who they were – just said ‘on behalf of Orange’) called and sold me a phone which wasn’t covered by the insurance so when that broke I had to pay to post it back and the sim card didn’t work blah blah….then I asked them if I had to pay more in New Zealand for the texts and they said that I didn’t and when the bill came surprise surprise they were wrong………it’s just one con after another – so it’s out with the magnifying glass tomorrow to read the small print before writing my letter of complaint and getting in touch with Ofcom…

Oh well – things can only get better

Have a good un - and goodnight Daddy Wickles x

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