Friday, 26 December 2008

TGIF Boxing Day :-)

Hi peops

Hope yours was a good un? Ours went without a hitch…… nearly :-/

There was (those of you on Facebook knew of) the problem the couple of weeks trying to get a Gressingham duck from Sainsbury’s but they appeared to be only delivering two at a time I think – and could I bloody find one!!?? NO! …so I plumped for a Crown – and had muchos debatos with mater about whether there would be enough meat on it… so I decided to get some venison to plump it out – with the idea of ‘theming’ the menu as ‘Christmas is ducking feer”
This year I decided to try and do away with my usual ‘OCD’ itinerary – and just enjoy the foodie prep – first big mistake… absent peas, cremated stuffing balls and bleeding duck proved the point! Jamie said in his new Ministry of Food book that his balls needed 50 mins in the bottom of the oven… bollox – poor mom and her new fangs couldn’t cope! The very rare duck was still quacking when it flew in and landed on their plates! As for the minted peas, I trimmed fresh mint off the windowsill herbs - after washing all the greenfly off – and paced it in the bottom of the dish ready for the peas to nestle on top and absorb the fresh mintiness – only problem – I forgot to put the peas in – talk about peased off!

That was all after I greeted mom and dad with Marsala and canapés – blue cheese stuffed medjool dates, Ostrich pate & Salmon & dill on ciabattas….a St.Irchley attempt at being posh….dad was mithering because he “hadn’t even sat down yet..” and there was no plate? Mom is saying “No Ken, canapés are for nibbling and mingling…..” and then looked around to see who else there was to mingle with….. oops!

Still the chestnut soup and the dessert were hits – a stollen based boozy trifle – needless to say the 10lb I have lost over recent weeks all went back on yesterday!

Had some lovely pressies too off mom and dad - friends too – a beautiful white gold and pink sapphire bracelet and watch -I wont list them all cos that would just be showing off – needless to say I sent some mobile phone pics of me wearing my 4 new scarves (you can never have enough), one headlamp, one earlamp and my new vibrating duck to a few! The prize goes to Numpty who got me a remote control chilled bag on wheels – so you can send the chilled wine or cans across the room! Numpty’s dog Ben gave Dennis his own cat nip flower pot which Dennis has panted in his plot around his basket – he is Mr Clutter Cat! I’m off over to mom’s shortly - if it's dark wearing my lamps.... for warm turkey sandwiches – yum yum. I’m taking the dish of minty peas over with me :-D

Hope yule still be having a merry time

Kimmie x

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Yule and all that :-)

Well, sad as this is you are going to receive an abridged version of my Christmas newsletter - even though the BBC News said this week that they do not really tell you the whole story... some of you will be or have been lucky enough to have received the real thing - with photos and all... (still available on request!)... wow I hear you say :-) I received a four page diatribe by someone I met once on holiday who I think husband writes it as it is in the third person (intermittently) and I hear all about the starring role s in the nativity plays and what the weather was like on their Easter breaks :-O

WHAT THEY WRITE Dear friend, It's been an eventful year for the family, and Bill and I can't wait for Christmas and the new year. Stephanie is as lively as ever and is very eager to see the world. And the headmaster at Theo's school says he is growing into a really determined young man. Must catch up next year.Patricia

WHAT THEY MEAN Dear person I met once,Glad 2008 is over, I don't know how we survived it. My husband briefly left me for another woman, but he's vowed to turn over a new leaf. Stephanie's out of control and ran away twice. Theo's been suspended for bullying. I don't expect a reply because let's face it, we're never going to see each other again.Patricia

Quite a good article if you get a chance

I built mine up by saying at the beginning that there was a new male in my life, the sound of distant wedding bells - and of course the results from my first ultrasound scan- so you see you've heard it all zzzzzzz.

I cheerily summarised all the deaths - tho an abridged version as there were so many to have printed them all would have looked more like the Evening Mail's obituary page! I mentioned Uncle Bob who popped his clogs and as has rejoined Auntie Joyce AND his other wife - what a turn up - his obituary now reads "Big Bob" - short for Bigamist Bob' - interestingly Eldridge McGiver (also a scouser) wrote "Anybody who gets married twice is either a fool, a bigamist or both". Plus lost a thied cousin (twice removed - and very much removed now) Roger, an old (well young) TA acquaintance 'Pop Larkin' in Afghanistan & old neighbours Nelly & Ray.

I then did the usual summary of mater and pater's illnesses and near death experiences - yes it was a really happy newsletter! Isaid they were still very much alive and well and draining the NHS resources. Dad's norovirus experience was detailed with his impression of a dual action mobile fountain... then the hole he scratched in his head which turned turned out to be another skin cancer - then docs forgot to stop his warfarin before the biopsy – oops! Mom called the paramedics and then dad told them she’d attacked him! I could see by their faces they believed him!Then he had something or other on the end of his schnozzer – which has left him with a frilly nose! Then mom had a tooth abscess and went to the dentist for the first time in 40 years!! O the joys of mommy getting to grips with the mobile phone camera – it’s just great to get pics like this when you’re at work....

I gloated about the spoils of this year - I think it's always good to show off and let everyone know that you've done so many exciting things - even tho it's aged you 20 years and you're knackered! It endears you to your closest friends and gets rid of the others so the Christmas card debacle gets even shorter next year :-)

I mentioned my 'out of this World' holiday – well an ‘under the World’ holiday – seems so long ago now - I spent all of January in New Zealand – dashing around for 3 weeks on North & South Island with Exodus and a rather mixed (durr!) bunch – but sang the praises of the normal folk especially Terri & Penny – and of course the last week with my lovely Kiwis Manda, Rich and the sproglets Lucia, Sam & Claudia. I just loved the place and the people and Manda’s & Rich’s parents spoiled me rotten too – went wild boar shooting – well more like watching really – those Kiwi boys are very watchable ;-) I also took part in a yacht race in Marlborough Sound, flew in a chopper and small very bumpy plane over the sound. Loads more photos on Facebook :-)

When I got back my neighbour Stella managed to coerce me into taking in a male lodger. Dennis has been with me now for 10 months – we get on great – and I know he feels comfy here.

Then just when you think it can’t get any better mom and dad got me a new motor – quite distinct – tho’ sadly not pink – I’ve made up for it tho with my accessories. Mom got me a ‘Princess’ car seat cover, and of course the pink dice….It’s a great drive – and looks dead funky – like a squashed hummer!

So – now to the sound of the distant wedding bells – well it has been such a hectic year cakes wise – and I’ve had some great challenges – with my favourite so far being a Shrek & Princess Fiona ‘surprise’ wedding cake – it travelled all the way to Scotland – so that was the distant wedding bells…. Don’t be disappointed for me – I made a nice profit – at slave labour rates :-)
I’ve done all sorts – another favourite was a ‘surprise Welsh dragon’ cake from the bride to the groom to match the lilac wedding theme!

Then finally .... the results of my first ultrasound scan....I am expecting twin……..neuromas… on my left foot - nothing major – a benign growth around the nerves in between my toes – how bloody ridiculous eh? I had it injected with cortisone – OUCH!!!! Got revenge on my mom tho and sent her a pic with a smiley face under the injection holes! Not sure what they plan on doing – but it hasn’t stopped me enjoying my walks most weekends and a few weekends away in Devon & the Lakes or Morris dancing again in Sedgley :-)

Anyway, that's it in a nutshell - I'm off now to toast myself for finishing all the dinner prep for tomorrow - we are having a themed menu "Christmas is Ducking Feer" with (you've guessed it) Duck and deer ;-D and pudding is Boozy stollen trifle (home made diabetic stollen no less - the house smells quite scrummy - so looks like the 10lb i have lost over recent weeks will be returning in time for New Year!

Have a fab yule folks - let's try and meet in 2009 if we haven't recently?

Kim xxxxxxx

Friday, 5 December 2008

TGIF....The sound of distant wedding bells........and the results of my first ultrasound scan :-O


Well another fun packed month has flown by – bit of news…..and 20 days to go till Santa comes! My once a year treat ;-)
I have been snowed under (metaphorically speaking – tho’ we have had our first smattering here in the middle) with cakes. I made an Aston Martin for someone’s 30th and made one of the most intricate cakes ever – Yes I’ve just finished a ‘Shrek and Princess Fiona’ wedding cake – apparently the groom Scott looks like Shrek?! You’ve got to hand it to her – what a brave bride you are Zoe :-)

So the joyous sound of wedding bells….
So… to my bit of news….last Friday I went off to the Hospital to have my first scan. Had an ‘Eddie Stobart’ moment (you’d have loved it Heather….) when I arrived early and met the lorry driver delivering the helium in hooooooge containers which help the MRI scanner function….. apparently…… because of its low boiling point (approximately -452°F or -269°C), liquid helium is used to cool magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnets blah blah……and then how good Hopwood services are for lorry overnighters in comparison to Hilton Lorry park………………. anyway, to cut a long story short, it is confirmed… it’s a neuroma :-/…. Now waiting to find out what’s next….

I’m feeling quite unfit – as I haven’t been out hillwalking since I last e-chatted – so guiltily I ventured up the gym this week and had a close encounter of the fart kind. Pasquale made a bee line for me ticking me off because I hadn’t been for ages – and dragged me off to the ‘power plate’ – which for the uninitiated is like a giant vibrating console with handles and stuff – allegedly 15 minutes on it is the equivalent of a full body workout!?

Anyway, he shows me various challenging positions which I have to copy – not a pretty picture with my arse squeezed into my pink lycra leggings – and hold for 30 second spurts of vibrations – I’m getting towards the end of the ‘workout’ and he shows me some stretches – one which requires me to sit on the plate with my feet in the air tucked round the handles, with my arse in the air in the ‘crunch’ position…… yes you’ve guessed it – Pasquale presses the button and the bloody power plate rumbles to life and rattles a fart out from the very depths of my colon – I could feel it hurtling towards the outside world – and I’m shouting at Pasquale “I CAN’T HOLD IT…. I CAN’T HOLD IT….” And he’s shouting back at me in his Italian way…”EEEZ ONLY FEEFTEEN SECONDS LEFT MAKE MORE EFFFFAAAART………yes Pasquale I nearly did……

And on that note…………..have a good un – will be in touch before Crimbo – hope all is well with you
Kimmie x

Sunday, 9 November 2008

TGIS 091108

Hi there TGIFers,

Not a bad week – no more bits have fallen off – well I tell a lie….I tested my Morton’s Neuroma and Costsochondritis up the Malverns yesterday – as you do – much the same really – no better/no worse – mind you I think I was distracted from the usual pains by the fact that somewhere up one of the lumpy bits yesterday I pulled my groin and chipped the back of my front tooth veneer! Was very nice tho – and the weather held out. We met for breakfast in the Malvern Hills Hotel – and then went on to do 8 lumps of the Malvern Hills – including Worcestershire and Hereford Beacons and a last stumble up British Camp – which is a 2000 year old iron age fort resembling a tiered wedding cake – got some nice pics tho the day was dull weather wise.

Apart from the bits dropping off, I had a nice week really –
I have started a wood carving class – dad has done it for years – whittling away carving chess sets, hands, totem poles – self taught really – and the gang at the BWA were well impressed when I took a few of dad’s bits down to show them – haven’t carted the totem pole there yet….I had to make a special board to fit it – and dad and I have christened it. Dad made the totem pole to cover all the bubbles in all my wallpaper when I papered my bedroom a while back with cos it has a subtle red Indian theme.

So now I’m learning too – have joined the British Woodcarvers Association and meet at Brum University on Mondays and Wednesday evenings. I am carving a horse chestnut leaf – and am managing to conker it – it’s knot hard – especially with the support off the guys who know what they are doing! It’s so therapeutic – I go off into a little wooden world of my own :-)

Off now to soak my tootsies in my foot spa and watch the Strictly Dancing results – this is what Sundays are all about :-)

Hope your weekend was good – and all your bits are hanging in there

Kim x

Friday, 31 October 2008

TGIF :-) Trick or Treat?

Yo Peops

I know it has been a while – and fret not - this wont be an e-tome….

I’ve been touched (I wish….) by your e-mails – yes both of you…and the neighbours and friends – yes both of them….who have been in touch to ask why they’ve been removed from the mailshot – take a chill pill…… no-one has been removed – tough – you should make a formal request then I might….
Truth is – it has been a pooh few weeks, and just when it got better I decided I wasn’t getting enough attention and joined the foray, and it’s sometimes hard to find anything to laugh about or share that doesn’t make everyone else miserable, but sod it, now the time has come – why should I be the only one who is miserable?

I’ve had a mixed time with the mater and pater – took them to the local Garden show – our annual outing...... Mom was like one of those weather ducks dipping her beak into all the flowers complaining about how they have no scent when they’ve been ‘forced’ – wonder why that doesn’t work the same for farts?

Dad decides to test his walking stick for the first time, but doesn’t find it easy, juggling bags/plant supports and the like – and keeps sinking into the mud – really bad cos of all the rain – I had visions of all these old fogies sinking into a quicksand styley pit clinging onto their geraniums and disappearing forever.

The fuchsia's bright...... and then they wonder off into the sunset, with mom well chuffed at how cheap this metal detector was.......
They’ve both been competing on the health front – dad with his skin cancer - all gone again – and his scabby schnozzer – which fortunately turned out NOT be cancer – although has healed leaving him with a frilly nostril – I think it could catch on.

Mom succumbed to a dental abscess so was forced to face her demons and visit the dentist for the first time in 40 years. Naturally, I had visions of her having to have her complete lower jaw removed and have one of those ‘Monty Python’/ventrilo’ chins fitted so she could pull a string by the side of her ear and still manage to nag dad – but amazingly – she only had two teeth out and a spit and polish…and now has a nice big smile..... which she sent me on her mobile! Can you spot the difference........? :-O

We lost my Uncle Bob – he’d gone over to New Zealand, and then got the Big C – and now gone up to the big Spion Kop in the Sky :-(
I tell you what though – it was worth it – it’s dead cheap to have a funeral out there - £600 all in – shall be chatting to Manda and gang nearer the time, get a plot sorted….. then ....turns out he’s got a Scouser son none of us knew about – cousins were pretty shocked – especially since they have spent all the will…..seems Uncle Bob had another missus before my Aunty Joyce – aren’t families funny things? I’m so lucky –I don't think I have any kids that I don’t know about ;-)

Had a mass of cakes on – too many really – see more on Facebook -

There’s not a week that goes by now without me sticking to the floor in my kitchen – I’m thinking of trying to work it into a sort of five year business plan – need to cos the job isn’t safe – are any? I’ve been here before though so am just waiting to see – and still keeping busy and enjoying it and the people. Friends around me in SPICE are losing theirs – and outwardly staying amazingly calm - makes the credit crunch real.

I’m still trying to ignore it all – today I was invited to one of the services today – the Assistive Communication gang – who provide all the high tech voice boxes etc – they had a ‘pink picnic’ in aid of breast cancer and I was invited to be the judge of who was the ‘pinkest’ staff member – being a bit of a pink expert – they went mad I tell you – to the point of indecency – if they release the photos I’ll blog them – I know they wont mind……all good fun :-D

I’ve done loads of bimbling both in and out of SPICE which has been great – mostly the weather has been good – but got caught out big time in the Lakes (Keswick) last weekend with a few friends – we saw the fell runners who carried on with the marathon – personally I think they made the right decision – they looked fab in their wet lycra Ron Hills – all the straining to see them though meant I ended up with Costochondritis (Google that one!) – took my mind off my Morton’s neuroma though for a while – comes to something tho when it hurts to sniff/cough/laugh etc – good job there’s not been a lot to laugh about really….. so today I get up bit nervous about my hospital appointment….bugger me Dennis limps in after a night on the razz – neighbours come to the rescue and he’s put on 2 hourly obs all day – it’s all about him all the time - I go off and have two cortisone injections between my toes – and fabbo – Dennis isn’t limping tonight :-)

It brought tears to my eyes I can tell you – I was a brave soldier and went to work afterwards – but the whole of the Centre knew within half an hour – you need the sympathy vote don’t you….plus I was walking like Max Wall – so they knew something was up.. ish - pics of my foot at the top of the Blog….

So – there you go – in a nutshell – all of us have taken turns to put the wind up each other and it has been quite draining – but normal service has been resumed – unless you put a request in to be de-mailed….. have a good un

Kimmie x

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Oct 08 - Normal Service will be resumed shortly.....

Hello TGIFers,

I understand there is some 'in-gossiping' and you think I may have deleted some of you from the e-mails/Blog link.

Not true – you sensitive little souls – just a case of Bloggers Block – a culmination of the credit crunch, dad’s nostrildamus episode, mom’s unpalatable difficulties after confronting her dentistry demons, and finding out we had a ‘Big Bob’ in the family – you don’t know your family until they snuff it – and even then they leave you with ‘Big Bob’ conundrums……. Then there is my Morton’s neuroma – 'Google' that one if you’re bored – to see what little ol’ me may have to have done if I let the NHS near me bodily parts……..

Watch this space – all will be revealed…….

Love yous all :-)

Kimmie x

Saturday, 30 August 2008

TGIS :-) Midsummer madness in Minehead

Yo Friday peops,

What an interesting experience Minehead was – rather ‘surreal’ all round really. We had sun though and I had my legs out for 3 whole days :-O

Day 1 – 12 miler – coastal walk – every time we stopped to let pretty Russian doctor catch up - which was every 10 yards - she lay down looking more and more like the colour of Borchst :-)
Needless to say pub time was curtailed - pity - as one of the Walk leaders provided great entertainment in the beer garden getting into some great positions to pick the tics out with his green gadget– it’s the season apparently – and you’re not a true rambler till you’ve had one burrow down, suck the blood out of you and drop off…….I’m sure I am in that case ;-)

Day 2 – Dunkery Hill – 12 miler – bit more sunshine – and Ken patiently waiting while I insisted we get group shot around a funny (well I thought it was..) signpost – after 10 attempts we finally got the ‘Hello’ magazine shot of the year – much to the annoyance of the rest of the group who were still reeling from the previous day’s lie down stops – not sure if Gideon did it deliberately but got a great shot of Ken - see below!

There were fireworks in the evening over the harbour which was nice – except for all the Chav families who had scaled the barbed wire of Butlitz and were roaming the streets – mind you - some of our gang were giving them a run for their money! Needless to say – as some of you know - my patience wore out and I returned with some quieter friends to the hotel bar….. then at bed time decided to put my ear plugs in cos of the revellers – so when the fire alarm went off at 3 in the morning due to some late night tit heads not able to hold their beer…I slept through it all :-/

Day 3 – Ken becomes a true rambler as he finds his first ever tic and Gideon extracts it with his green gadget.
Ken, Dawn, Rachel and I stayed over an extra night – Me and Rach’ at a nice cheap B & B and Ken & Dawn down the road in posh place with four poster at Porlock Weir. Us girlies decided to leave them in peace and paint the town red – first pub didn’t do food – BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY!? So off we went to the ‘Hairy Dog’ - found a nice quiet corner - gorgeous pasta platter (low fat of course) and window seat to watch the talent go by – there wasn’t any – but we had a giggle at the fuglies (being so attractive ourselves of course)….and weirdly the same odd couple passed us each day - obvious ramblers - he wore his ear warmers/bandana upside down with his ears sticking up at the side of his head like a Nick Parks 'Creature Comforts' polar bear styley - then as we chilled right behind Rachel the large TV screen lights up and is suddenly full of Portsmouth players and everyone is staring at me and Rachel – cringe….for all the wrong reasons….

So then it’s one of those decisions - do you wait till kick off and pee them off or leave now and be polite? I’ll leave you to guess what we did… we had a girlie giggly night while Ken & Dawnie enjoyed playing in their four poster :-)

Anyway it recharged the batteries enough for a nice short week at work – and today me and the old uns have been to the Garden Show and got a few treats – mine is amazingly colourful and Stella thinks it’s a hoot – boy have I got taste!!…. and more news on that next week

Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend

Kim x

Friday, 22 August 2008

TGIF :-) Things can only get better.....

Yo Friday peops

Funny old fortnight – work has gone silly so phank phew for my evening texter and weekend buddies, who (I wouldn’t say….) keep me sane but maybe also keep me from tipping over the edge – which isn’t easy at the moment with my ‘new way of walking’…. My toe held out though in Stow with a 10 mile bimble last Sunday – didn’t moan quite as much as usual….but I’ve been to see my GP and will be ploughing through the old NHS processes now to see what they can do….Dad has been getting his money’s worth this week too – starting planning his radiotherapy for his bonce – his schnozzer is better too - and then poor old Uncle Bob down under in NZ – was just visiting but is now there for the duration - is making the most of the reciprocal Kiwi health arrangements – and we’re all thinking of him :-(

I’ve been wearing my gizmos (or for the posh – orthoses) and going for my sports massage – which is really no fun if you don’t do sports – the baby physio’ seems to get great pleasure – probably cos of all the dough he racks up in 15 minutes worth of torture…. Yesterday was my last session and he’s had to do something to my back – which is suffering quite badly at the moment – probably due to the new gizmos though I have been doing some humping and lumping – but I swear all the massage has suddenly turned my back into one of those rotund muffin-style hanging over my jeans teenage look!! I’m sure it wasn’t there before? Get this, he says I’m not normal……. he says no-one walks 10 miles a day…. Poor little sausage – I think to myself yes baby boy it will happen to you one day – you will become a rambler – I thought it wouldn’t happen to me but it just sneaks up….

Then….work…. every day just as I get my jacket on to leave work, someone has come in to ask a meaningful question, no kidding every day…. Last Friday was one of those typical ones where around 12pm we had another biggie where you have to drop everything – and I did – smiling (wincing…) and duly obliged – very difficult pulling stuff together in a rush and I don’t do that kind of stress very well – but pulled it off. Then I had to fudge do a presentation and that went down really well – so along with my orthoses raising me up I’m up floating at the mo….

So – off to Devon in a bit – picking Rachel up in my gangsta moll – got the wine and chocolate packed but haven’t a clue what I’m taking to wear…..Ken has been texting all week like an excited school boy and winding us both up – so methinks it’s going to be a cracking weekend cos it looks like we’re all ready to let off some steam.

Hope your bank holiday is a good un too….

Kim x

For those of you motoring off Numpty 1 shared some Viz tips -

MOTORISTS Always have a hot pie in your hands in heavy traffic. Each time the traffic grinds to a halt, just reach for the pie. The instant you place it to your lips the traffic begins to move. This works especially well with the molten lava apple turnovers from KFC.
Pat Jacks

Monday, 11 August 2008

Who remembers 'Heads, Shoulders, knees and toes....?

Or should that be nose?

Hi there Friday peops,

My body is falling apart…
But my daddy – the silly old fart,
Has made it his sole ambition,
to win this competition
So I trap a nerve between my toes
But he wins with a bloody great scab on his nose!

Yes – the competition is hotting up – I’ve been really fed up cos I have spent a small fortune these last few months getting new boots/insoles/socks/ energy fluids – anything to try and stop this excruciating pain in my feet – well, just my left foot – I read that once – fab book…..anyway nothing has worked until mum aka the ‘Oracle’ flicked through her pages of ‘self diagnosis and came up with a ‘Morton’s Neuroma’ – hey Heather, did you know you had a pain in the foot named after you!?

Anyway seems she’s right – and so have ended up having very painful physiotherapy from a lovely young thing on the local green, well in a shop off the green really…..and have another session planned for Wednesday. Daddy has a nasty infected hooter and is on antibiotics – and really feels rough – so between us we are two grumpy buggers!

I tried to cheer myself up when I was offered three free days on Dating Direct – I thought – go for it…. What a bloody waste it turned out to be! Free days my bottom! You could express your undying lust for someone but they couldn’t reply – and vice versa – until you coughed up £9 for a month! The only person who fancied me was Martin, who is a good mate – so when I contacted him directly by e-mail – he then tells me he’s just met someone and is hopeful it’ll work out – bloody good job I hung on to my pennies I say!!! Then I had the opportunity of setting my prospective love interests a quiz, so used some of their suggested standard questions…. and invented some of my own deep and meaningful ones, only to find that Dating Direct had a sense of humour failure and rejected my last question which was…. “What is the point of setting these questions, when I don’t know what your answers will be unless I cough up a tenner?”

Luckily I have some good mates who have kept my spirit (levels) up…..been to see Mama Mia with Alison – excellent ‘feel good’ film – will become a classic I reckon – still smiling now – very funny…. and laughter is the best medicine isn’t it? So on Saturday off I pop to an open air ‘Rock with Laughter’ concert at Ragley Hall with Jasper Carrott, rain, Lenny Henry, rain & Jo Brand – plus Elkie Brooks, (blimey she can hold a long note!), Bootleg Beatles, rain and the Manfreds with Sharpie and June – wasn’t rocking with laughter though when it took us an hour to get out of the grounds!! We had a great view of the stage - look at the pic!

The soggy weekend continued but became more luxurious……

I told everyone on Facebook I was looking forward to enjoying a date in a hot tub last night – and I did – it was a Sainsbury’s ‘Taste the Difference’ Medjool date – and very tasty it was too…..Numpty and I enjoyed them immensely - see the pics …at least you can rely on Sainsbury’s!

Sadly her hubby was having one of those hubby ‘sense of humour failures’ – I see them a lot – I think Portsmouth had lost…. I’m not sure that’s why all my friend’s hubby’s have a sense of humour failure – sometimes it’s for other reasons I think – or maybe they are all Portsmouth supporters?…..forever more they shall be known as that…. :-)

Anyway he failed to appreciate the time and effort we had taken in preparation - when we bravely and ceremoniously flashed opened our towels to proudly reveal our ‘Brazilians’ before we got in the hot tub……….OK – so see below for a pic of both our Brazilians - and maybe you too will have a sense of humour failure - bah humbug :-) as we both ceremoniously held them over our pubettes..... – well we thought it was funny….. I bet he’d be the sort to write that he had a GSOH in a ‘dating advert’ too :-D

Hope your week goes well……

Kimmie x

Friday, 1 August 2008

TGIF :-) 010808 More shady car park dealings.....

Hi Friday peops,

Had an ‘OK’ week – work busy but cakes finally coming to a slow down and back to normal rate so not quite so pooped. Last one for a while (Alan Shearer’s back) was handed over in the car park today – I’m surprised no-one has reported me yet for my shady car park dealings over the years! I shall miss Alan Shearer’s back – it’s the first time I’ve fallen in lust with a cake – all that massaging of his shoulders to get the ‘look’ right :-)
My funniest moment (funny now but not then) was years ago when I worked at City Hospital and my line manager Jacqui’s husband called me at work – had never met him but he knew I made cakes – aaaah OK….and wanted a surprise 40th cake for her – so after a few text exchanges we met in the one place we both knew because he lived the other side of Brum… pitch black…. car park of Penns Hall Hotel in Sutton Coldfield… did the usual boot opening and exchange of monies and off we both go – except I don’t - because I didn’t have the code for the exit barrier – so had to wait sheepishly until someone came along and released me!

I’ve had a bit of a guilt trip this week – once I’d started catching up on myself, I realised I had missed Claudia’s first birthday in New Zealand – felt awful - posted late card and pressie and e-mailed my apologies…. then felt so much better when Manda replied that she’d forgotten it too – only realised later that night when playing catch up with Rich - just as well Claudia was well chuffed with her weetabix that morning and Sam & Lucia singing her happy birthday! Promise I’ll try and do better next year!

Spent another shadowy moment but not so dark and mysterious this time..... shadowing a shift with one of our senior physioterrorists this week – she’s always great to spend time with, as her approach with all the clients and their partners and co. is a joy to watch. Her Odstock stimulators can improve peoples’ conditions – and it’s really great to see them walking out of the clinic with confidence after often stumbling through the door on their way in. One of the most rewarding clinics to boost you up… so when I also read this in Readers Digest in the bath that night it made me smile…..

Have a fab weekend – I’m off on a bimble on Sunday in Melbourne, Derbyshire – while Issie, Rob & gang are in another Melbourne down under - wonder who will have the better weather?

Kimmie x

…Sitting in the waiting area at an eye clinic, I could catch some of the conversation in the examining room.
An elderly lady was wheeled in for her appointment and I heard the doctor ask gently if she could read a card the nurse was holding up.
The woman did not respond.
“Can you see the letters on the card?”
No response.
“Can you see the letters the nurse is holding?”
No response.
“Can you see how many fingers the nurse is holding up?”
No response.

Friday, 25 July 2008

TGIF :-) Kim emerges from the cake zone...........

Yo Friday peops

I have been in the cake zone for the last three weeks – so my little flours, “oh crumbs” I hear you all say – what a half baked excuse for not keeping you up to dates with the latest fruity and eggciting news from St. Irchley?!...... but truth be told, I’ve been really ‘upside down’ and pretty much stuck to my kitchen floor…. quite literally – Nigella manages to make baking look sexy but...ter.. all I manage is to look like Mrs Overall in my ‘pinnie’ – that icing sugar gets everywhere…..and I mean everywhere :-?

It has been so manic that it has been touch and go whether the right cakes went to the right people….. these brides who want ‘something different’ - the wedding cake was 32 mini cakes topped with a surprise dragon….

and was being made at the same time as a ‘Peppa Pig’ for a 4 year old… they both managed to get the right cakes – but not before some late night otoplasty (posh for ear surgery) when Peppa’s ear fell off…… then there was Alex’s archery target for her 19th birthday which was around the same time as a ‘Tardis’ to feed 80 – for a 40th birthday party – well, I got confused and thought it was for an 80th to feed 40 …. fortunately double checked and the guy who was ordering the cake on behalf of his friend thought this was very amusing and corrected me…..yeah right….plonker – I get a text later on – thanking me for the cake – but his friend is 30…. so the Tardis is transported back to me – in the boot of a car rather than flying through St. Irchley’s time and relative dimension air space and some running repairs were hastily made.

Meanwhile….Stella asks me to help out with Tracey’s 40th birthday cake – and since she is spoiling Dennis rotten and a fab neighbour, I duly oblige and Tracey is chuffed…………. then finally a Sooty birthday cake for Sean’s surprise 40th – however it turned out no longer to be a surprise and Sean had man flu so couldn’t swallow – so cake went uncut……but was great to see some old faces – and the light is finally showing at the end of the tunnel…. a cake that I am rather enjoying at the moment is an ‘Alan Shearer’ shirt – I am doing it so his back is facing upwards and putting the marzipan on last night was wonderful – I felt much more like Nigella massaging Shearer’s shoulders…. Heaven!!

Here is my Facebook link....

I managed to get some ‘me time’ last weekend and got a couple of great bimbles in – Gary leading – two ten milers – with Sunday’s lavender fields tour ending up in a girlie hot tub moment with Gail and Rachel – and sending the boys photos of us on our mobiles gloat gloat…. thankfully the pics would me small enough not to see my double chins and rosy nosy! Look carefully at the one bottom right - see the UFO reflected in the window floating across taking shots of us :-)

Attacking the garden this weekend – so some garden shearer and maybe a few more Alan Shearer moments…….have a good un folks

Kimmie x

Monday, 7 July 2008

TGIM :-) It's my birthday - and I'm flying... with my waterwings....

Hi folks

How are you all doing?

Thanks for all your ‘dad’ stuff – I’ve passed your helpful suggestions and kind wishes on – his hole is healing up – which is good cos he was out in the rain this week and it became a lake! It’s more of a puddle size now – he’s grateful for your sound advice about not picking his nose in case his finger popped out, and he’s taken in good part some of the suggestions about how to turn him into a carrier bag with handles :-)….. we could have used him as a ten-pin bowling ball I guess too?

So, it’s my birthday today and the guys at work think I’m wonderful cos I took them a huge tiramisu in – and my neighbours have had some, Numpty and mom and dad have all had some –they were really meant for Gail’s Bar-B-Q – but cos her dad is poorly they were donated nearer to home. So let’s all get our positive vibe hats on and think about Gail and her dad (and mom).

I’ve had some tasteful birthday presents – like a pink ‘Princess’ car seat cover (thanks mom) and a frog which turns into a prince when you dunk him under water and some red baff gel which I shall use to bathe in tonight, and ‘beer goggles’ (thanks Numpts) which I’m sure will come in useful :-) I’ve also had some amazing jewellery and other wonderful stuff too – so all in all been spoilt again – thanks peops x

Weekend was spent with girlie sleepover at Numpts (she was only after some of the Tiramisu when she heard Gail had baled). She’s dead posh now and was having their hot tub delivered – so I went suitably attired in my water wings, carrying my inflatable beach ball! Sunday morning we were having our usual hungover Wii tournament and Numpts wasn’t quick enough to stop me when the delivery arrived and I ran to the door in my waterwings and shouted “I’m ready!!”

Poor soul was speechless :-O and so was the delivery boy :-D

Me and Numpts in the posh tub...............

See ya folks

Kimmie x

Top bumper stickers seen around the world

I Have The Body Of A God... Buddha

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

Don't Be Sexist - Birds Hate That

Saw It... Wanted It... Had A Fit... Got It!

Grow your own dope --- Plant a man.

I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship.

BEER: It's not just for breakfast anymore.

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

Sunday, 29 June 2008

TGIS :-) The Good, Bad and Ugly......

Hi Friday peops

It’s a mixed week, with the good, bad and the ugly… and wedgies are ugly……….

The bad….It didn’t start well – in the kitchen – Monday night – washing up – and the drainer had a mind of it’s own and was flipping the crocks as I put them on – like one of those tennis balls machines…. “Let’s see if she can catch this one… “ type thing!

Anyway I didn’t and smashed a tumbler to smithereens and then promptly trod on it and danced round for the rest of the week with a glass splinter between my toes, managing to squeeze it out at work – not easy on a castered chair…. I can still get my legs into an interesting position though - you’re getting the picture…

Tuesday morning went to put Dennis’ breakfast down and he beat me to it with my tip toe glass splintered manoeuvres so I ended up throwing it up the wall….late for work excuse number one ….

Wednesday morning, neighbour – lost her tongue a while back – was up for sale - seems now to be staying put cos of credit crunch or the fact that she’s probably had to declare that she’s living next to nut case is staying put and has employed team of ‘builders bum’ guys to landscape back garden - block my hummer in with their truck – late for work excuse number two….

Finally - I learned that one of the nicest smiliest lance corporals - Richard Larkin - from my ol’ TA days got blown up in Afghanistan and then dad’s scabby bonce has turned out to be basal cell carcinoma… bugger!! He's had one before tho' so we're quite philosophical.

The good…. I have baked 4 cakes and the house smells lovely – but it’s a nightmare being surrounded by cake and not (allegedly your honour) eating any of it! I’m in the middle of a wedding cake and Peppa Pig – Peppa Pig – honestly – I only keep up with the sproglets latest dudes through my cake making! There are highlights on my Facebook profile – BB house – ‘Big Baking House – breaking news and everything! How exciting!!
The ugly – is that today I went on the high ropes in Streetly – well, I laughed so much – but not half as much as when I got home and downloaded the photos……see the pics – oh dear – talk about wedgies!! For full effect zoom in on the last one :-)

And on that note…

Have a great week folks.

Kimmie x

Friends are like wedgies…..they know your inner self. They’re intimately close… and it feels great when you pick out a good one…. :-)

Night Night Pop Larkin – save me a place ;'-/

Friday, 20 June 2008

TGIF :-) Hearts and Heads Rule!

Hi Friday peops

Did you miss me?

I was up in Patterdale again – gorgeous little village near Ullswater Lake. Had a fab long weekend with the SPICE gang – strode across striding edge - first time I've done Helvellyn since I was a kid! Enjoyed several romantic ‘Ken & Dawn’ moments as they celebrated their engagement – with an amazing special ring – it’s amazing – it’s invisible - see pic :-) Apparently he keeps blowing the ring budget on flasks to make his new fiancée hot drinks for the hills, fleece tops to keep his new fiancée warm and………… :-)


There were bottles of champers hidden in tarns, ‘Last Rolo’ moments on the hills, pre dinner drinkies, and I made them a cake – from the heart – shaped like a heart. I do enjoy my cake making tho it does get a bit sticky in the kitchen! In fact tonight I’ve just steamed my kitchen floor – as I had to have the plumber in today – big leak in the kitchen – and after his ‘head stuck under my sink’ moment he peeled himself off the floor with this sort of slurping cum ripping sound looking to see where the noise was coming from – so I knew I had to do something!

In the week dad had a biopsy taken of his bonce after the hole he’d dug in it didn’t heal very well – it’s the gardener in him I reckon – he will keep digging! Anyway they forgot to stop his warfarin and on Wednesday morning he got up and like a scene from ‘Carrie’ had developed his very own bright red water feature on his bonce – again it’s the gardener in him… and was once again decorating the house – he’s getting quite good at this now!! Naturally by the time we arrived at A & E it had stopped – phew!! I think they were in two minds whether to call in social services as I don’t think mom hid the axe quick enough and her cover story to the paramedics was quite amateur considering she’s such a fan of ‘NCIS’ !:-D Hopefully the mobile phone photos will diminish now it has slowed up – it’s very off putting when you’re in a meeting and a picture of a scab is sent through!! Yes honestly! (Thanbks mom!) Mind you I have to admit I took this shot of him in A & E!

Weds night the ‘Phil Palmer’ groupies went to see him ‘Singin in the Rain’ at the Crescent preceded by rather a lot of pasta and pizza – was great to see the kids - new teacher Nicole again – and catch up with Jenny – the kids actually arrived on time – it’s sort of sad when they grow up and start being grown up isn’t it ;-) …and last night I met up with an old friend from student nurse training days - accompanied by a rather large burger moment in Moseley first! So bit of a bloater tonight…Planning on doing the John Williams night out at Symphony Hall in October if anyone wants to join us?

This weekend I mostly be sleeping!

Have a great weekend folks
Me x