Friday, 14 September 2007

Pink thing gets MOT'd and so do I in Minehead!

Hiya Friday peops

Well, a mixed bag of a week off - so settle yourselves down for a moan and whinge plus some exciting news too - for Facebook followers......

Remember when I got thunderbolted back in July? Well, it seems I wasn't as lucky as I first thought to get away with it - my PC got buzzed - apparently that is an IT term for the lightning swelling the bits inside your PC that you don't need swelling, so after 4 hours of Mr Grumpy moaning about me not having the right disks for this and that my home PC was declared dead - he was kind enough to knock an hour off the invoice - and I have got a new one coming, courtesy of my contents insurance in 7 - 10 days so we all know where this is going to end up don't we? Today is Day 7.... hey ho :-/

I had my little pink thing serviced and MOT'd while I was on holiday so that was more money out too - bless Nathan at Showell's garage - still trying to get me to buy a new one - but there's nothing as sexy yet on the market - though he did show me a little 'gangster styley' car which would probably be well received in St. Irchley... has got me thinking now....

Needless to say by Friday I was well ready to chill - so off to Minehead - Sue drove (me mad) and we had a fab time - as ever. We had the Top Dogs looking after us Andy & Gideon - Andy forgot his grundies so his nickname was 'Nicholas' for the weekend - get it? We did two lovely walks again - though I think Lee Bay still has the edge - we walked through Porlock weir - beautiful - but I must've been being blonde again - as I totally didn't see the weir - doh! See Ken and his harem posing on day 1.

See us posing by the monument erected to me - that was the second day walk - I am indeed a place of Natural Beauty :-)

Now the exciting news is that this week I have found one of my ex's - from 23 years ago - that's half a life time!! He was (and still is) in the Navy - and if I remember rightly it was the distance that was a pain - but it has been fab catching up with his news again - so watch this space - I'll ask him if he minds me putting a pic of us on here when I was boofed and he had a full head!!

Gotta fly - as I'm doing this from work and don't want to get into trouble

Have a soooper weekend folks

Kimmie x

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