Friday, 1 June 2007

TGIIF :-) Big Brother & why I love ironing

Hello Friday peops

What a lovely bank holiday weekend - tho the weather was pooh. Went for a bimble on the best weather day - Saturday - with Sue & the SPICE crowd up Kinver edge on Saturday with Stevey D, but Sunday was a deluge so we went for some retail therapy to 'Go Outdoors' and got some nice new mid boots for New Zealand, and other gadgets and gizmos, plus matching gillets - how twee. On Monday I fed the old dears Ostrich stroganoff - to give them wings.... it worked.

There has still been a lot of interest in my Morris dancing from last week - with the photos on the Blog - and all.... my work colleagues are realising (too late) that I was a bad choice for Risk Manager ;-)... secretly I think they envied me all that hanky waving - the engineers were offering me bits of wheelchair tubing to use as sticks - but it wouldn't have had the same effect really....I was ironing my dad's hankies to return then and my iron died, so I have bought a new one - and calling it Morris - I love Morris and my ironing board is called Wil' - you can see below why I love ironing.........:-) Did you know you some of the most expensive irons were £80!! I'd want them to do the bloody ironing for that much!

The Big Brother text frenzy has started - with the launch this week - all women in there so far - no tottie at all - very disappointing -so it's been low key with Numpty & H' so far. Apparently a geyser goes in tonight - hope he's got ear plugs.....and Sarah is coming round for girlie TV night to watch it.

It's been a pooh weather week - rain, rain and more rain, and yersterday corking storms - a man got struck in Coventry but survived with singes, and some local shops got blasted - but it's glorious out there now and a full moon tonight so that should be nice - I'll get all my crystals recharged - including my new dousing crystal from Charlie - I'm still training it at the moment - but haven't really had any deep and meaningful questions to ask it - any suggestions from the TGIF floor?

I'm just hoping the daft dog from next door but one doesn't bark all night again at the moon - I am a bit bleary eyed at the moment - but not asbleary eyed as some of you men out there it seems - loved this link which Herty Boy Owen sent me to share with you all this week - so that's why you're all a bit impaired......... :-D
Paste this into the box bit.... (that's technical IT speak)
Hope you men all sleep well this weekend - I will be

And finally one from Tony's list - 'The Philosophy of Ambiguity'....


more next week - have a great one folks :-) xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do like that ironing board cover!!!
