Friday, 11 May 2007

TGIF :-) The Big Split - Men are from Mars - well some bloody planet anyway!

Hi Friday peops

Well, what an exciting weekend I had last weekend - ready to prepare me for my weekus horribilis.. Go get a cuppa or large glass of wine. it's a long one - Jane just delete..:-)

Last Bank Holiday weekend, the Roaches bimble was good - and with Sue driving - I had rather a lot of Marstons Smooth afterwards, and we drove home in our usual 'high fidelity' girls from Fame way - see the pic - guess which one is me?

While we were in the pub the boys ie Ken, Gary & Martin wanted to have a mention on the Blog - so I will do that - hello to you boys....and pop up their photos too - so you can see how lovely they all are...

The lovely Ken - holding it in.....

... and the lovely Gary in red

However .. The same weekend saw the start of the demise of the love affair of the year. Some of you had already guessed since I was a bit negative about the 'YES' group in my rather tiddly (hic!) TGIF - yes - sorry folks about divulging all your addresses - oops!.... that things were on the slide.....

Maybe Charlie we would still be together if I'd seen in May Day with a proper Beltane love feast? :Oh well..... can use the candles for something else now or go back to BOB ;-)

Yes....Peter - bless - has decided to find something better to do on a Tuesday and Thursday - our girlfriend/boyfriend night - he has been tempted from my clutches by a better offer from Dennis - free membership of the David Lloyd gym for 3 months - and what with my Council-run gym currently closed for refurbishment (probably one of the treadmills being cranked up?) I couldn't compete. I shall miss the happy clappy 'Yes Group' nights - especially as we had only recently learned the new clappy affirmation "1-2-3-YOU ROCK!" which Sarah and I so enjoyed around the lakes this week - Sue too when we bimbled round the Roaches last Monday - everyone is positively rocking here now. Waseem - you may want a private discussion on MSN before you say 'YES' to being rocked...

It really was doomed from the beginning when my first gift from him was a book on 'How to kick the habit' - ie chocolate - by Jason Vale - I mean, that is like me asking him to give up Dennis or Brian - I love chocolate ...I've taken it in to the charity book sale at work and hidden it in a rather large Hutchinson's Encyclopaedia under "C".. and instead Sue has loaned me James Runcie's 'The Discovery of Chocolate' and we plan to have a girlie night in with a large box of chocolates to read it together..........any other takers?

I wont be all negative though - we had some good moments and ended on a nice evening out at a rather relaxing poetry night - at the MAC - with some really good Brummie poets sharing the floor - some excellent observational, political and satirical writings - it has inspired me to write a tribute to him though which I shall publish on the Blog..

Sadly for Peter - the poetry night didn't really work for him - as on the journey home he was more enamoured - and the most animated I've ever seen him - with Meatloaf's new single which was on the reality show 'Joseph - any dream will dooooo' show last weekend.. bit heavy for me - I prefer Meatloaf's 'Paradise by the Dashboard song' - very funny - the girl butting in to have her say - and it takes me back to my younger days - more specifically in a liitle soft top MG - on a T.A. skiing trip - under the stars - and Halles Comet - with a very badly placed gear stick - still makes me smile.....

Sarah made me laugh though because I admitted that I felt I made an effort as I really do appreciate that men are from Mars and women from Venus, but like she pointed out it is made all the more difficult when they are actually on a satellite orbiting Mars....

Have a good un folks...

Kimmie x

Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Dogs are a man's best friend. Now you know which sex is smarter....

Love...Men always want to be a woman's first love. Women have a more subtle instinct: What they like is to be a man's last romance.

The only way to understand a woman is to love her - and then it isn't necessary to understand her.

To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.

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