Hey there down und
er - am thinking of you today - as I think you are officially going to have a very long birthday - think you will have already started by the t
ime I hit the sack yesterday - or today - whatever! And I guess - me (and especially your mom and dad and Phil) will be toasting you today - which is now your tomorrow - or is it?
I thought I'd share some of the snaps that make me smile and bring back fond memories - or should I say mammaries - as this was the first time I met you - 3 days old - and as usual you were hungry - when are you not? However - as you can see from this shot - you were unsuccessful this time - but mom and dad aren't laughing at you - they are laughing with you.... honest :-)
Just look at that first smile though :-) aaaaaahhhhhh!!!
You started becoming vain at around 4 months - but who could blame you - you were (and still are) gorgeous! I remember you being quite bright even in those days checking on your dad's attempts at sorting your nappy :-)
My mom and dad still talk and laugh about the time you landed in someone's lap at Cannon Hill Park - so this photo always makes me smile - as I think you still had your ice cream in your hand as you flipped over the man's head into his lap - acrobatic dance moves even then!
You had model good looks in those days too - and never posed for the camera - not much anyway......
I loved having you both stay over - you'd totally wreck my kitchen but baked some fab cakes which we would then take on picnic - and in cases of inclement weather would set up picnic in the sun lounge!
Then I'd pack you off to bed in the mad spare bedroom - and wondered why you'd never sleep with all those eyes
watching you! Remember the pose we gave to the Evening Mail though :-)?
And now - here you are - all grown up - mind you if you're anything like me - you wont ever :-D

Well, hope you are smiling today and not blushing too much - but just to say hope you are having a fabulous time down under - and I will be thinking of you today - and love you very very much.....
Your very proud bestest oldest mate and honorary Auntie......... Kimmie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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