Sunday, 31 May 2009


Not doing very well am I?

Truth is life has been busy and I wasn't convinced that sharing my news weekly was that popular - tho I sometimes find it therapeutic personally - so I thought I'd try and get going again. Got a fair bit of news - got a right tail to tell......

Last time I blogged I was about to go llama trekking to celebrate my friend Sue's 50th birthday - followed by a hot date......I pulled a rather cute llama called Ayrton - who had fab dreglocks and was chatty and interesting and made me feel really special...then there was the date. I guess I should have read the warning signs when he declined to call it a 'date' more of a 'going out episode' - whatever! We did manage to make it to a second 'going out episode'. On the bright side, neither of them spat at me, despite friends saying they might!
Had some great walks - mostly Cotswolds, Malverns and Worcester way - and got my ramblers tan coming on nicely - one recently ended up at the Hooky Brewery - that was good - and on another we had a steam train and Lancaster/Hurricane/Spitfire flypast! Yesterday was out over the Malverns - gorgeous weather - heard a cuckoo which was cool.

Dennis gave us a bit of a scare recently - I noticed he seemed under the weather so - after one helluva kerfuffle - with the neighbour's help - he hates his box - off we trot to the vet - turns out he has an abscess on his derriere - and so after an overnight stay I go to collect a rather embarrassed cat - when I opened the box to let him out I was gobsmacked - he looked like he was mooning - he had his bum shaved and had some nice neat holes to drain puss puss out! Gross! I was supposed to be baking two cakes that weekend - alas! To cut a long story short, all is now well after a couple more check ups - the vet was quite cute - so it was worth the kerfuffles to get him in his box - when I say cute I wouldn't entertain the thought of going out with someone who relished picking the scabs off Dennis's bum every time we went! Yuk!

In the middle of all this I decided after much to-ing and fro-ing to go for a job interview for a secondment opportunity - and was successful. It's a bit frustrating admitting that the job is to help support nurses get back to what they do best - ie nursing - I have a belief that most nurses decided on their job originally because they enjoy giving something back - it's basic stuff which a fellow blogger (some dick dock who is obviously a great team player - NOT....) berates - possibly rightly so - but anything that makes it better for the patient and the staff surely has to be a good thing? Time will tell of course, and I'll keep you posted.

I am of course going to be sorely missed in my current job - I doubt they'll even notice I've gone! My boss said originally that I would have to work 4 months notice - this is around the same as the politicians who are currently bleeding us dry - though I wont be getting a big pay off - but less than most Chief Executives and Queens and Kings and stuff! Needless to say that they have now realised my worth and brought it down to three weeks - suppose I should be pleased....

Me and pops are still enjoying the woodcarving - I'm on an Orang U Tan now - in jelutong wood. The Gardeners World garden is being filmed right opposite our workrooms - so we get to see Toby and the film crew planting bits and pieces. We also get to see the crows swooping in when the film crew have gone obliterating their masterpieces... CAW...not so good :-/

This is me and Bob with our 'Maquettes' - now go Google that one - mine is an Orang U Tan called 'The Professor' and Bob's is a mermaid called 'Sandy Shore'.... :-D

.... and this is what hapens when you leave your Maquette unattended at the workbench :-D
We all popped to 'Woodex' which was a great exhibition with loads of brilliaaant carvings and woodturners - and I met the real Gepetto - what a lovely man.

The other carvers are all gearing up for the annual competition - which is 'Seasons' this year - there is an air of secrecy around some of the entrants - holding their chisels close to their chest (if Yew get my drift). I'm all fir giving it a go - but I cedar wood be no benefit - especially if I won - I don't think I'd be too poplar - I'd think it was OaK but they'd be just like "Life's a beech!"

and on that note... hopefully I'll be back proper now :-)

Enjoy the sun - loads more photos on Facebook

Kimmie x