Friday, 20 March 2009

TGIS :-)...

Hello TGIFers

Thank God it's Spring eh?

Sorry it's been a while - Bloggers block - plus a combo of having my PC 'fixed' PLUS CBA issues PLUS I've been spending a lot more time on 'Facebook' - tho Janet Street Porter thinks it's sad I am enjoying catching up with some of my past.... which brings me on...

I took mom to see Cirque du Soleil's Quidam - and sadly the NIA are so tight they put a load too many seats on the flat floor - there was me thinking at £50 each that we'd get a good view - wrong! Poor mom (Happy Mother's Day!) could only see the acts when they were being flung through the sky or dangling down from the rafters - but not when they were doing their 'thang' on the stage - with some lovey dovey couple with bad hair in front of her she was well struggling.... and playing the old guilt trip nicely ...coupled with the fact that this humungous arse needed a wee before the interval.... it was really quitesplendid, however I was really upset for mom .

Anyway interval came and this huge arse struggled past us again - and weirdly enough I recognised it - slightly worrying.... "Is that you Miss M?" She turned and smiled - my PE teacher from 30+ years ago - you still callthem 'Miss' don't you? Anyway she was leading a revolution to the Box Office to swap seats cos she was struggling - there ended up being about 100 of us who swapped seats..... what slightly worried me was the ease in which I said to her "I thought I recognised the arse".... she turned and glowered... but I wasn't a little 16 year old any more...oh it felt good :-) Another bit of good news is that Cirque have offered me and mom complimentary tickets to their next tour....

Last time I blogged was during the snow - and it's all looking very different now - snowdrops just dying off to make way for crocusses and daffs - been on some good bimbles - quite lovely - mostly round the Cotswolds. Spent a weekend in Cheddar and took myself off to find out what happened to my dad's cousin Agnes cos her Christmas cards suddenly stopped. She moved to Shipham some years ago. Well, the old bugger has died and her house is demolished and a 'Grand Designs' styley cottage built there - the current owner Christine invited me in for coffee and filled some gaps - really kind - now I'd like to fill her son-in-law Henry's gap for not telling us of her demise - aren't families great!

Well, I'll be off now - got to prepare myself for a heavy weekend ahead - llama trekking tomorrow - and the first hot date for a year!! Should go swimmingly if I still smell of llamas by the evening :-)

Have a fab weekend folks

Kimmie x