Friday, 25 July 2008

TGIF :-) Kim emerges from the cake zone...........

Yo Friday peops

I have been in the cake zone for the last three weeks – so my little flours, “oh crumbs” I hear you all say – what a half baked excuse for not keeping you up to dates with the latest fruity and eggciting news from St. Irchley?!...... but truth be told, I’ve been really ‘upside down’ and pretty much stuck to my kitchen floor…. quite literally – Nigella manages to make baking look sexy but...ter.. all I manage is to look like Mrs Overall in my ‘pinnie’ – that icing sugar gets everywhere…..and I mean everywhere :-?

It has been so manic that it has been touch and go whether the right cakes went to the right people….. these brides who want ‘something different’ - the wedding cake was 32 mini cakes topped with a surprise dragon….

and was being made at the same time as a ‘Peppa Pig’ for a 4 year old… they both managed to get the right cakes – but not before some late night otoplasty (posh for ear surgery) when Peppa’s ear fell off…… then there was Alex’s archery target for her 19th birthday which was around the same time as a ‘Tardis’ to feed 80 – for a 40th birthday party – well, I got confused and thought it was for an 80th to feed 40 …. fortunately double checked and the guy who was ordering the cake on behalf of his friend thought this was very amusing and corrected me…..yeah right….plonker – I get a text later on – thanking me for the cake – but his friend is 30…. so the Tardis is transported back to me – in the boot of a car rather than flying through St. Irchley’s time and relative dimension air space and some running repairs were hastily made.

Meanwhile….Stella asks me to help out with Tracey’s 40th birthday cake – and since she is spoiling Dennis rotten and a fab neighbour, I duly oblige and Tracey is chuffed…………. then finally a Sooty birthday cake for Sean’s surprise 40th – however it turned out no longer to be a surprise and Sean had man flu so couldn’t swallow – so cake went uncut……but was great to see some old faces – and the light is finally showing at the end of the tunnel…. a cake that I am rather enjoying at the moment is an ‘Alan Shearer’ shirt – I am doing it so his back is facing upwards and putting the marzipan on last night was wonderful – I felt much more like Nigella massaging Shearer’s shoulders…. Heaven!!

Here is my Facebook link....

I managed to get some ‘me time’ last weekend and got a couple of great bimbles in – Gary leading – two ten milers – with Sunday’s lavender fields tour ending up in a girlie hot tub moment with Gail and Rachel – and sending the boys photos of us on our mobiles gloat gloat…. thankfully the pics would me small enough not to see my double chins and rosy nosy! Look carefully at the one bottom right - see the UFO reflected in the window floating across taking shots of us :-)

Attacking the garden this weekend – so some garden shearer and maybe a few more Alan Shearer moments…….have a good un folks

Kimmie x

Monday, 7 July 2008

TGIM :-) It's my birthday - and I'm flying... with my waterwings....

Hi folks

How are you all doing?

Thanks for all your ‘dad’ stuff – I’ve passed your helpful suggestions and kind wishes on – his hole is healing up – which is good cos he was out in the rain this week and it became a lake! It’s more of a puddle size now – he’s grateful for your sound advice about not picking his nose in case his finger popped out, and he’s taken in good part some of the suggestions about how to turn him into a carrier bag with handles :-)….. we could have used him as a ten-pin bowling ball I guess too?

So, it’s my birthday today and the guys at work think I’m wonderful cos I took them a huge tiramisu in – and my neighbours have had some, Numpty and mom and dad have all had some –they were really meant for Gail’s Bar-B-Q – but cos her dad is poorly they were donated nearer to home. So let’s all get our positive vibe hats on and think about Gail and her dad (and mom).

I’ve had some tasteful birthday presents – like a pink ‘Princess’ car seat cover (thanks mom) and a frog which turns into a prince when you dunk him under water and some red baff gel which I shall use to bathe in tonight, and ‘beer goggles’ (thanks Numpts) which I’m sure will come in useful :-) I’ve also had some amazing jewellery and other wonderful stuff too – so all in all been spoilt again – thanks peops x

Weekend was spent with girlie sleepover at Numpts (she was only after some of the Tiramisu when she heard Gail had baled). She’s dead posh now and was having their hot tub delivered – so I went suitably attired in my water wings, carrying my inflatable beach ball! Sunday morning we were having our usual hungover Wii tournament and Numpts wasn’t quick enough to stop me when the delivery arrived and I ran to the door in my waterwings and shouted “I’m ready!!”

Poor soul was speechless :-O and so was the delivery boy :-D

Me and Numpts in the posh tub...............

See ya folks

Kimmie x

Top bumper stickers seen around the world

I Have The Body Of A God... Buddha

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

Don't Be Sexist - Birds Hate That

Saw It... Wanted It... Had A Fit... Got It!

Grow your own dope --- Plant a man.

I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

WANTED: Meaningful overnight relationship.

BEER: It's not just for breakfast anymore.

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.